Friday, October 30, 2009

Underwater Navigation - PADI Scuba Diver

How To Navigate Underwater to A Never Before Published Scuba Diving Site That Happens To Be The Oldest And Most Proliferate Scuba Diving Venue Near Hollywood Beach Florida.

Imagine that you are sitting on Hollywood Beach, sunbathing in the warm Florida rays on a calm and clear day. From time to time you will see a set of scuba divers heading across the sand into the surf. They are making their way out to a very well kept secret dive site.

Looking from the beach, towards the sea, you would never know by looking that there was another world underwater just waiting to be discovered. This secret dive site makes every dive a new ride because of the abundance of marine life and new coral growth.

Fifty years ago the Army Core of Engineers built an outflow pipe to sea ending in 90 feet of sea water. To make sure the cement culverts stayed buried under the sea floor, in the event of a hurricane, they laid large solid bricks, followed by big boulder pile and then another set of blocks with holes in them.
The pictures you are seeing are from the dive site, the actual blocks, bricks and boulders that local divers affectionately refer to as the Michigan Sidewalk. We named it that due to the latitudinal landmark from shore which is Michigan Street in Hollywood Florida. You need to reference that when swimming from shore in order to find this needle in the haystack. Many people try finding this scuba site every year and miss it due to poor navigational skills.
Finding This Site Is Very Tricky. Attempting to head out on your own, without a knowledgeable guide, can lead to a variety of unpleasant and possible scenarios including: exhaustion, running out of air and plain old frustration as you never find that which you were seeking.
If you want to be guaranteed of seeing thousands of fish which is the whole point of going scuba diving then you need to be well trained. Navigational training is especially important if you want to find the Michigan Sidewalk.
As the pictures show, there are soft corals of pink and green sponges, brain coral, sea whips and Georgian. A small cluster of stag horn coral, which is on the endangered species list. This patch look healthy considering all the civilization that infringes on its delicate habitat.
In terms of fish life, see the yellow grunts under the sea whips, blue tangs in the back ground. Another picture of the stoplight parrot fish and an amazing pair of blue spotted cornet fish.
While at the Michigan Sidewalk in Underwater Hollywood Beach Florida, I have seen every creature in the sea swim by at any one time. Regularly see a large school of tarpon and many schools of minnows and other bait fish. Some small sharks and Eagle rays come by as well.
I have taken many people to this dive site and they regularly report that there is more interesting marine life here on this shallow dive, than they ever see on their deeper dives.

If you are interested in seeing more marine life in 50 minutes than you will in most of your diving career put together, guaranteed, then make sure you contact me. I will get you to this needle in the haystack, secret dive site quickly, easily and safely. Once there you will have a great time as we explore this amazing underwater park and I will ensure you arrive home again with fantastic stories to tell and lifetime memories.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How to Protect the Coral Reefs, What can you do?

Several things amaze me about how common sense is NOT common. People that you think should know better are still doing things to the environment. The difference in my opinion between stupidity and ignorance is this. Ignorant people do not know any better where stupidity is you do know better but choose to do the stupid thing anyway.

The following TEN REEFMANDMENTS are things everyone can do to "care enough to care" about the environment we live in and it is EVERYONE'S responsibility to do so, and care.

No. 1 Never anchor on a reef. Please use the mooring balls or if you must anchor do so in the sand. Coral is alive with very soft tissue and delicate. Hard metal anchors and fishing hooks have no mercy to the most endangered species on the planet.

No. 2 Never feed the animals. Remember they are wild animals and help at sea is usually a long away. If you must touch any smooth animal REMOVE your gloves to avoid removing their slimy film that protects them from infection.

No. 3 Never throw trash in the sea or by the beach. Marine animals do not come by your hood and dump garbage. We should not do it to them. Hungry sea turtles think plastic bags are jellyfish and they eat them. Except turtles can not chew up plastic and we can not either.
The Poor turtles end up choking to death because they can not chew off a piece and it gets stuck in their throat.

No. 4. Never collect conch. This is an endangered species and Federally protected from harvesting. In addition, it is illegal to ride a turtle, manatee or sting ray.

No. 5 Never step on the Sea Oats on the beach or the Sea Grass in the water. Sea oats protect the sand from eroding the beach and keep the sand from ending upon the reef and smothers it.
Sea Grass underwater help fish spawn and protect their eggs, both vital plant life for land/sea.

No. 6 Never speed in a No-Wake zone. Usually manatee area and no chance for the marine life if you are going too fast to stop. No brakes in a boat.

No. 7. Never catch more fish than you can eat. Many people violate this rule and now fish are spawning and you are killing fish that are pregnant. The future generation has no chance.

No. 8 Never drink and drive a boat. Many people killed by drunk boat drivers every year.
Too bad the laws are really very lame and lacking in this area.

No. 9 Never turn your head at poachers, please call and report violations to the Wildlife Authorities and have their number programmed in your cell phone.

No. 10 Never spear fish with a gun. Not very sporting shooting fish in a barrel. I see many people spear 8" fish. Honestly, especially scuba instructors that know better.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Laura Parke - Scuba Diva Laura

Hi Everyone:

In an effort to "keep up with the times" I have finally started my and fireworks please, hip hip hurray.

Putting yourself on the spot is what blogs are really all about and blogging itself is a self expression of the brand of the person. The Blogger gets to tell the whole world via the Internet where their viewpoint, perspectives, assessments, judgments and opinions about life stand. Be it right or wrong and of course everybody thinks they are right. My opinion is, sometimes there is no right or wrong, things are, as they just is.

I tend to see both sides of the coin and there are really three sides to a coin. The front, the back and the edge. There are ALWAYS three sides to every story or event and the edge is what the truth really is for me, that is the distinction. This is my blog, my story, my perspective and it does not have to agree with yours. If we agree all the better and if you disagree with me that is okay too. All that I ask is that you please be respectful and tolerant as I have to be respectful and tolerant of you.

Many years I have put off writing a blog due to the fact that I am opinionated and am passionate about many things that are at jeopardy. These are the things I will be expressing and blogging about are as follows:

* Environmental Issues and Concerns

* Abusive Practices to Marine Life and animals in general

* Best Practises in Scuba Diving, places to dive and people to follow

* Expounding on my daily Dive and Life experiences

* Common Sense and Wisdom

* Existence of the Supernatural

Everybody needs to realise no matter what your viewpoint, that we are all in this together and that none of us can escape from this planet. We are all responsible in our circle of influence as a human being to care enough to care about what is right in life and do something to make the time we spend here count.

This blog represents my sincere hope to make a difference on the planet. My wish is that you would join me on this journey, together with joy, laughter, fun, LOVE and adventure through this thing called existence in the Universe.

Fasten your seat belt and get we go, five four, three, two, one.......

"Houston, we have Lift Off........."

Laura Parke

PADI/SDI Scuba Diving Master Instructor